This month, June 2022, will mark one full year of service by IslandRides to Orcas Islanders. About fifteen dauntless volunteer drivers have joined with coordinator Sandy Playa to drive 12,000 miles on the island for $1,000 in rider donations. These 2,000 trips include 1,000 home deliveries of groceries, prescriptions and other necessities and were possible due to funds granted by Washington State DOT, Orcas Island Community Foundation and enthusiastic community support.

Just call 360-672-2201 when you need a lift, any day.

Due to continued high COVID infection rates, riders and drivers are still required to be masked when in the Leaf. There are new booster clinics being scheduled on each island. IslandRides drivers are carrying heavy-duty trash bags in the car now and will stop by the transfer station for customers to drop off their trash. No deliveries are being offered without passengers to pay the dump fees.


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