Thursday, November 8, 5 p.m., North Beach Road & Main Street

— from Cindy Wolf —

Indivisible’s Pre-planned nationwide protests in support of the Special Investigation have been triggered. In concert with the Nationwide Indivisible Action, gather with all our politically active citizens at 5pm at North Beach and Main. Bring a light source in case we get an overcast evening and plenty of signs. We will take pictures. Apparently the Trump Administration needs a visual reminder of what the streets will look like in event of blocking legal oversight.

Donald Trump wasted no time after the midterm elections interfering in the Mueller investigation. But we’ve been ready for this for a while.

Trump fired Jeff Sessions as Attorney General and replaced him with Matthew Whitaker. If you don’t know Matthew Whitaker, he’s a political hack who has spoken in great detail about ways to hurt the Mueller investigation.

It’s pretty obvious why Trump chose Whitaker. The Blue Wave flipped the House of Representatives into Democratic control, and Mueller is getting closer to the truth about Trump’s crimes and corruption. So he essentially replaced Mueller’s old boss (Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein) with a new boss that has no problem intervening and obstructing justice.

This is a red line, and Trump just crossed it. Now it’s time to act. Here’s what you need to know.


The Mueller investigation has already yielded a string of high-profile indictments and plea deals. General Michael Flynn, former National Security Advisor to Trump, has reached a plea deal with the Special Counsel in which Flynn agreed to cooperate with the investigation after admitting to lying to the FBI about his conversations with Russia. Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort also agreed to cooperate with Mueller pleaded guilty to several charges, including conspiracy against the United States. (Let that sink in: the person who managed Trump’s presidential campaign has now been charged with conspiracy against the United States.) Trump’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty to violating campaign finance laws at Trump’s direction. Manafort’s associate Rick Gates has pleaded guilty on two counts, and Trump campaign foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulos has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his communications with Russia. Special Counsel Mueller has also indicted thirteen Russians on allegations of interfering in the U.S. elections.

These developments are the latest evidence that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation continues to get closer to the truth.

What Can You Do Now?

Thing are still moving, and there may very well be more developments. While it’s important to focus and continue to resist the Trump agenda simultaneously, we can also work now to protect the Mueller investigation as it unfolds. Here’s how:

  1. All Americans need to be clear that we will not stand for this. Indivisible is teaming up with a coalition of groups to host emergency rallies at 5 p.m. local time on Thursday, November 8. Sign up to host or attend a rally here.
  2. Tell Congress to act. Every Member of Congress should be immediately and publicly calling for two things:
    • Matthew Whitaker must recuse himself from overseeing the Mueller investigation
    • Congress must launch investigations into Trump’s obstruction of justice—and Democrats should be publicly committing to do so when they take control of the House in January.

There is no longer “nothing we can do” about Trump’s antics. The Democrats will take over the House of Representatives in January and we will demand that they prioritize using their new powers to hold Trump accountable.