Tuesday, October 25, 7 – 9 p.m., Odd Fellows Hall

— from Sharon Abreu & Learner Limbach —

Tuesday is now a National Day of Action and Solidarity for Standing Rock as the protests against the Dakota Pipeline continue. At least 142 arrests took place over this weekend. Construction is progressing very fast and National Guard and state police forces are ramping up. There is a barricade of protectors camped at a critical sacred site that construction will have to go through soon in order to continue laying pipe.

They are calling for more people to show up and obviously whatever resources people can spare, and prayerful thoughts.

The Odd Fellows Hall on Orcas is confirmed for Tuesday, October 25, 7-9 p.m. for a dessert potluck that will lift people’s spirits. Several people who have been out to Standing Rock over the past few months will be attending to share their experience and engage in discussion. We owe a debt of gratitude to the Ecstatic Dance group that graciously gave up their time slot so we could use the hall.