— from Keara Axelrod —

On the evening of November 8, more than 40 people showed up in downtown Eastsound to demand that the US Justice Department and Trump Administration allow Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation to continue unimpeded.

In concert with MoveOn.org, Indivisible, and other activists throughout the country, we gathered to show that the people of the US will not stand for further obstruction of justice in the form of interference in the Mueller investigation by Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker or the Trump White House.

Those who wish to (continue to) be involved may want to contact their federal representatives–Rick Larsen (360) 733-4500 in the House, Maria Cantwell (360) 696-7838 and Patty Murray (360) 696-7797 in the Senate–and request that they support the Special Counsel Independence and Integrity Act to protect the Mueller investigation from interference.