— from Gretchen Krampf —

captureOn Monday, November 27, Babs Parrott was boarding an early ferry back to Orcas Island. She stumbled and hit her head. She took a nap and when she woke up her left arm and leg were numb. Babs had to get to work so she shook it off and went to her job.

By 10 a.m. She was pale and was dizzy. Her friends took her home. Babs called her sister, Samantha, and she told her to go to the doctor. Her friends also said she should go to the doctor. Babs took a nap instead. When she woke up, she couldn’t stand and fell on the floor. She struggled to reach the phone. Her friends called the medics and Babs was taken in a helicopter off the island to St. Joseph’s hospital in Bellingham. She was placed in ICU. After all the test, it was determined that she had two strokes near her right temple. She is still in hospital, receiving PT and continuing to improve her speech and mobility.

Babs has no Insurance. All of the money we raise will go to her medical expenses including the MedVac off the island, ICU and hospital stay, as well as tests including MRI, CT scan, and Heart Ultrasound, Speech Therapy and Physical Therapy. Also, any living expenses since we don’t know how long her rehabilitation will take.

Two resources have been set up to support Babs Parrott’s rehabilitation and recovery. You can donate via GoFundMe or at Islanders Bank to the account for Babs Parrott.