— from Brianna Rose —

This petition is a plea to the Orcas Island Health Care District to allow UW to continue operating the UW Orcas Clinic as it has been. UW is on its third year operating the clinic, and they have become an asset to the community. We have finally reached a place where things have settled down with their “new-ness” and they continue to serve the community well, especially through the recent coronavirus pandemic. 

The Orcas Island Health Care District (OIHCD) has published a “Medical Clinic Operator – Request for Proposal” which requests proposals from qualified establishments to take on the clinic management. It makes no sense to change things so drastically in our already limited healthcare system here on Orcas. 

UW has advised that they are unable to submit a proposal at this time, because their focus is on health care [especially] during a pandemic. They advise that they are happy to continue managing the clinic as they have been. Click here to see this letter from UW. 

In this document, OIHCD reserves the right to reject any and all responses to their Request for Proposals. This petition is an encouragement for them to do so. Please allow UW to stay as they have been operating! At least until a few more years have passed and we have a better picture of their ability to serve. They’ve done nothing but improve!

How can I know that they have served the community? Because they have served me! And I, and you, and many others are what make our community.

I have always struggled with a plethora of medical issues, including mental health. The coronavirus pandemic and all it has brought took its toll on my mental health. I am happy to get into details with those who are not convinced. Were it not for the clinical staff and providers at the UW Clinic, I do not know that I would’ve fared well from this mental health crisis. With their support, knowledge, guidance, and network I have been able to adjust and begin to thrive again. 

Please consider joining this effort with me.  Your support is appreciated, and I hope we can at the very least have the OIHCD consider this option. 

I look forward to engaging with each of you to further this discussion. We are paying for the OIHCD with our tax dollars, so we ought to make ourselves heard!