I am reaching out on behalf of your Orcas Island School District. As many of you know, we have been advocating for all San Juan County Schools throughout this legislative session. School districts like Olympia are reporting a $17m deficit, Longview schools are bracing for a $6m shortfall, Everett & South Kitsap are considering slashing more than 100 jobs. We are trying to avoid these scenarios, all of which are caused by the legislative moves we are trying to impact.

Last week our school board and superintendent, along with Lopez and San Juan Island’s school boards, made the trip to Olympia to advocate for our cause with the legislature. Our Student Representative Ryan Krisch-Derr and School Board Member Linda Sheridan each passionately testified and shared their personal and moving testimonials. If you see them, please give them a big shout out.

As steadfast and strong supporters of our schools, YOU are integral to our efforts. We would love to see our community give one BIG push during the 2023 Legislative Session.

What Can You Do?

Host a Postcard Signing Party! This is our BIG ask right now.

The postcards are pre-addressed and I have included sample messaging for you below. I am happy to deliver the postcards to you or you can pick them up at the Orcas Island School District Office. Drop them off when complete and we will mail them out!

Sample Postcard Messaging

Dear ____________,

I live on Orcas Island and support our school district. If the current regionalization rate and the levy lid limit does not change, I am deeply concerned about how our district will continue to fund itself and recruit and retain teachers. Please increase regionalization and support HB 1244 and SB 5682 to ensure equity with Seattle schools.

Go to our website and sign the petition.

I also wanted to include the specific bills we are advocating for this legislative session.

HB 1244 and SB 5682

Increase the maximum per pupil levy limit for enrichment levy authority and allow districts to collect the levy funds voters already approved.

HB 1436 and SB 5311

A 4-year lift to the special education enrollment funding cap from 13.5% to 15%. Orcas Island currently spends an average of $500,000 per year out of the district general fund to cover basic educational needs of our SPED students because we are mandated to do so (even though the state does not fully fund us to do so). The legislature has a moral and legal obligation to meet this need.

HB 1248 and SB 5174

We have gone from 3-bus routes to 2-bus routes and some days we’ve had to go down to one bus route. This means some kids have to end school early and miss valuable instruction time to get home. Both of these bills fall short of funding pupil transportation, but we appreciate the conversation is happening as Orcas Island School District uses local levy funds to support the cost of transporting students each day. These are transportation costs the state should be covering.


While regionalization does not have a specific bill this legislative session, increasing our regionalization rate continues to be a legislative priority for San Juan, Lopez, and Orcas Island. Please visit the website www.supportislandschools.org for more detailed information.

Thank you so much for your continued support and enthusiasm for Orcas Island Schools and our island children, teachers and staff. Your time and advocacy can make all the difference. Please reach out and let me know if you have any questions or continued ideas to carry on the efforts.


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