New hours: Open daily 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.

— from Jacob Linnes, Orcas Island Market —

Dear Orcas Community,

Normally our goal is to get as many customers as possible in our store, but as we navigate through uncharted waters, we are asking our community to help us keep our employees safe and healthy by following our recommendations below. This will help keep us open and able to support our amazing community through this challenging time.

  • If you, or someone you have been in contact with, are sick or have a fever please do not come in the store. If you need supplies or help go to and look for available options.
  • Normally we are a social hub on the island (we will be again soon) but now more than ever we are asking you to shop alone, efficiently, and only when necessary. Try to limit your time in the store.
  • Partner with neighbors to get supplies from town and limit trips. If you are shopping for more than your family let us know and we will lift “limits on key items.”
  • Try to avoid paying with cash, coin or check if you can. Mobile payments (Apple or Google Pay) are best and then credit and debit.
  • If you are at risk, or have health issues, please try to avoid coming in the store. Utilize friends and neighbors to help pickup items you need. Also, the OICF is coordinating efforts to help people at risk or in need. Check out for more info.
  • Lastly, please do not bring reusable bags into the store (sad face). We hate this one but the immediate need for health and safety outweigh alternatives (we will waive the $0.25 charge during this time).

P.S. We have opened a direct link to the “Orcas Island Emergency Fund” through our registers so customers can donate directly to the OICF fund.