Hours changing, enforcing six-foot rule, hand washing setup

— from Island Market —

Effective immediately:

  • Store hours are 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. until further notice.
  • Mandatory 6 feet distance rule in effect for all people inside the store.
  • We encourage you to only come to the store for essentials and ask you to team up with friends and neighbors to make one trip instead of many.
  • Starting Monday, we will have a hand washing station setup at the front door and will be requiring you to wash your hands before shopping.

We will also be monitoring the amount of people in the store to ensure there is a safe distance for our employees and shoppers.

Updates and Answers:

  • Our supply chain remains good for all essential food items and we are receiving sanitizer and cleaning products as they become available. When they do become available you will be limited to one per customer.
  • Many have asked about doing a special hour for at-risk shoppers. After consulting with many people, we are not going to do this as we feel it will put those at risk at a higher risk. Please encourage the people at high risk to utilize friends, neighbors, and our community resources. Visit https://orcas.recovers.org/ to volunteer or to sign up for assistance.
  • We are sorry about the timing of the store reset (moving items around) and wish we could have delayed but our options were limited. We have new store maps at the register to help you find the items your looking for.
  • People have asked about delivery or curbside pickup. We are not able to do that at this time due to the amount of people that would need to be served. We are focusing on cleaning, sanitizing, and giving people space to shop.

I would like to sign off by saying how grateful we are to be a part of a community that looks after one another and considers their neighbors in a time of crisis. In many other areas people are not being as considerate as us islanders. It is amazing to be a part of a community that strengthens when a challenge comes our way.

Be well Orcas.