— by Madie Murray —

There’s a lot happening on behalf of the Orcas Island Food Bank during its annual yearend food drive, and it reminds us, again, how generous and thoughtful our Island community is.

Recently, the Orcas Island Lions Club presented Food Bank President, Larry Shaw, with a generous $500 check from the membership to help purchase items distributed to Food Bank clients for their Thanksgiving.

Another generous gift for the Food Bank is at Island Market.  It’s called IGA’s “Hometown Hero” event to fight hunger. When a shopper at Island Market gives a $10 donation to the Food Bank upon check out, IGA will match it with a bag of groceries worth more than $20.  The groceries, consisting of various IGA brand canned goods and staples, will be delivered to the Orcas Island Food Bank in time for the Holidays. According to Sharon Mudd at Island Market, 324 bags have been purchased as of November 21. The event runs through November 26.

Ray’s Pharmacy and General Store presented the Food Bank with $315 donated by patrons who drop change and small bills in the donation bags near the registers. “Many thanks to all those who put their change in the bag,“ says Shaw. “It all adds up and makes a difference!”

On December 9th and through the 13th, San Juan Propane is holding an Open House, Food Drive and Raffle Bonanza from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. Refreshments and home-made cookies and treats will be plentiful during the day, and those bringing non-perishable food items for the Food Bank during their event will receive a raffle ticket to win one of three gift certificates for 100 gallons of propane. In addition, special raffle tickets may be purchased to win a propane-powered generator. All the money raised by this raffle will be given to the Food Bank along with the donated food items. “We’re excited about this event,” says Theona Stone, “and are looking forward to delivering a generous check and several hundred pounds of food and to our Food Bank in time for the Holidays.”

The Food Bank board and volunteers wish to thank everyone who remembers others during this Holiday season.