Election Forum on Orcas Saturday,  October 13 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Orcas Senior Center

The League of Women Voters of the San Juan Islands sent an invitation on Sept. 3 to all 2012 Candidates to  to participate in the Candidate Forums for the General Election, Nov. 6, 2012.  The Election Forums will be held at the following times and places:

  •                 Oct.12 Friday Harbor Middle School, Friday, 6 to 8 pm
  •                Oct.13 Orcas Island Senior Center, Saturday, 1 to 3 pm
  •                Oct.13 Lopez Island Grace Episcopal Church, Saturday, 4 to 6 pm

 All candidates running for the following positions have been invited:

Congressional District 2  U.S. Representative:  Rick Larsen and Dan Matthews

Legislative District 40 State Senator–Kevin Ranker and John Swapp

State Representative pos.1— kristin Lytton and Brandon Robinson

State Representative Pos.2; Jeff Morris and Howard Bellett

 In addition, County Council candidates for Richard Fralick’s retiring Orcas West position have been invited.

As of Sept. 19, only the Orcas Island West candidates have replied that they will attend the Oct. 13 forum.

In addition to the candidates, there will be the opportunity for speakers for and against County Propositions 1, 2 and 3;  and for Initiative Measure 2012-4 which prohibits the growing of genetically modified organisms.

The format for these forums will be a three-minute opening statement followed by questions from the League and from the audience. The statement will be timed and questions moderated by a League member.  If electoral candidates  are unable to attend, they may send a representative to read a three minute statement written by the candidate; however, that representative will not be allowed to answer questions from the audience.

Depending upon candidate attendance, there will be time for a questions and responses following the forum for all who are able to attend.