— from Tara Lee for Governor Inslee’s Office —

“Washington state is leading the way on climate issues where Washington, D.C., is failing. The Paris Climate Agreement is a landmark international pact that represents our greatest opportunity to secure long-term U.S. and global economic security in the face of growing threats from climate change. One hundred and ninety-four nations have signed the agreement, 147 have ratified it, and more than 85 percent of the world’s carbon pollution are now covered by its terms. Counted among the signatories are China and India, two of the world’s largest contributors of greenhouse gas emissions, whose support for the agreement emerged through diligent U.S. leadership.

“Today the White House signaled that President Donald Trump will end the United States’ participation in this agreement. This is a shameful course of action that will jeopardize the health and prosperity of our children and grandchildren. With this decision, Trump would leave America’s destiny not as a nation that harnesses the clean, renewable energy above our shoulders, but that instead remains mired in the dirty, diminishing energy under our feet.

“But even before today, the Trump Administration has been taking steps to show it will refuse to confront the climate challenge. Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency is already working to gut carbon pollution standards, to instead benefit fossil fuel industry profits; his Energy Department is proposing to slash research and development into new clean energy technologies; and his State Department has already checked out of our international climate partnerships.

[perfectpullquote align=”right” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]America’s destiny…remains mired in the dirty, diminishing energy under our feet. – Governor Inslee[/perfectpullquote]

“In Washington state we are taking action to reduce carbon pollution. We have implemented a cap on carbon pollution, and we will continue working with businesses and research institutions to develop and deploy 21st century clean energy solutions. We are also partnering with other states who are doing the same, and our states will not stop fighting for a clean energy future, regardless of who is in the White House. But we – and the global community – need a partner in the United States federal government.

“The U.S. cannot credibly remain a world leader while withdrawing from an agreement that reflects the overwhelming desire of the global community. President Trump has put our nation on the wrong path, and the wrong side of history.”