Gov. Jay Inslee today released a statement on Congress reaching agreement on an omnibus funding package that includes emergency relief to address the health and economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“While it is many months overdue, I am pleased Congress has reached agreement on another coronavirus relief package. This will provide sorely-needed support for hundreds of thousands of Washingtonians who are struggling with joblessness, hunger and housing insecurity.

“This agreement averts an unemployment benefit cliff for nearly 100,000 Washingtonians at the end of this year and provides critical assistance to Washington’s industries and small businesses. It also invests in vaccine distribution, rental assistance, schools and broadband. It should be passed and signed as swiftly as possible.

“Make no mistake — this package can only be considered a down-payment on the relief needed to fully recover from this pandemic. I am disappointed that further aid for state, local and tribal governments was not included in this package despite the clear need articulated by nearly every state and governor. Our work must continue with the Biden-Harris administration and the 117th Congress to secure additional aid to families and ensure states have the resources to preserve core programs and services that Americans rely on.

“I extend my appreciation to Washington state’s congressional delegation, who fought tirelessly for the needs of Washington families, businesses, workers, students and frontline health care workers. This agreement not only funds the government and provides COVID-19 relief, but also includes a historic phase-down of climate super pollutants, as well as new measures that will reduce health care costs for Washingtonians. Our state will be better equipped for the challenges and opportunities ahead because of their efforts.”

Background: Inslee letter urges Congress to immediately resume COVID-19 relief negotiations