— from the Office of Governor Jay Inslee —

Gov. Jay Inslee issued a statement in response to the Washington State Supreme Court’s partial invalidation of the Department of Ecology’s 2016 Clean Air Rule.

“This morning the state Supreme Court ruled on the Clean Air Rule on a 5 – 4 decision. We are still reviewing the ruling, but we now have more clarity.

“This ruling would significantly affect the state’s ability to reduce emissions and we need legislative action this year.

“The court reaffirmed Ecology’s authority to regulate greenhouse gasses from facilities, but has now put the urgent need to regulate emissions from other sources in the hands of the Legislature.

“This underscores the need for legislative action this year to combat climate change. I am optimistic we will see such legislation make it to my desk this session.

“Washingtonians can rightfully expect their elected officials to take today’s news as higher motivation to act substantively against climate change in 2020.

“I will continue efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which is exactly what the Clean Air Rule would do.

“One part I agree with in the majority opinion is where the court said we need dramatic action now. The venue for dramatic action is in the Legislature this year. And we cannot accept failure to act on climate change.

“Our state will not give up on its commitment to the preservation of our environment, nor our message to the politicians in the other Washington: Action on climate change cannot wait.”