Gov. Jay Inslee today issued Executive Order 21-02 regarding the preservation of archaeological and cultural resources to streamline and clarify procedures. The updated executive order emphasizes the importance of cultural resources including tribal sacred places. It reflects the governor’s commitment that impacts to cultural resources must be considered as part of any state funded project or investment. The process includes both consultation with the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation and tribal governments.

Among other details, the executive order includes:

  • A requirement for state agencies to document tribal consultation. Grantees are permitted to do the consultation; however, state agencies must retain copies of the consultation and submit a copy to the state Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation (DAHP) for purposes of transparency and accountability.
  • In the event that a state agency disagrees with another agency regarding the sufficiency of consultation and efforts to address potential adverse impacts through avoidance, minimization or mitigation, the Office of Financial Management shall consider the best path forward.
  • To the extent that they have not already received training, all appropriate state agency employees managing state-funded construction or acquisition projects, including grant or pass-through funding that culminates in construction or land acquisitions, will attend training provided by the Governor’s Office of Indian Affairs and DAHP.

The proclamation replaces and rescinds Executive Order 05-05, effective immediately.

Read the full executive order here.