— from Governor Jay Inslee’s Office —

Gov. Jay Inslee Thursday announced the extension of proclamation 20-25, Washington’s Safe Start Phased Reopening plan.  

This extension changes guidance and regulations for activities shown to provide a higher risk of COVID-19 exposure, including restaurants, bars, and fitness centers, as well as weddings and funerals. The changes will also affect family entertainment centers, movie theaters and card rooms. 

Guidance for restaurants/taverns and card rooms are being issued today; the remaining guidance will be issued early next week.

The proclamation also adopts the updated facial covering order, 20-03.1, issued today by the secretary of Health.

The proclamation, which is effective until amended or rescinded, is available here

Read updated guidance for restaurants/taverns here

Read updated guidance for card rooms here

Inslee also announced the extension of the eviction moratorium as COVID-19 continues to impact the finances of Washingtonians statewide. 

The extension makes modifications to the prior moratorium, including: 

  • Makes minor clarifications to existing restrictions, such as clarifying that law enforcement may serve eviction orders that include findings required by the proclamation; and
  • Creates a workgroup to help inform potential changes to the moratorium in the short-term and the long-term, if needed. The workgroup is specifically asked to consider how future extensions could address options to increase rent. 

The moratorium is extended through October 15. 

Read the full proclamation here

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