Steve Hobbs appointed as new Secretary of State

Gov. Jay Inslee on Wednesday named state Sen. Steve Hobbs as Washington’s next secretary of state. Hobbs replaces Kim Wyman, who is vacating the position to take a role with the Biden administration. 

“Steve is a dedicated public servant. He has a strong national security perspective from his work in the Army and National Guard. His experience in cyber-security will be crucial as election systems around the country continue to face threats,” Inslee said.

The Washington secretary of state preserves the integrity of elections in Washington state; safeguards vital government records, documents, publications and process; provides the business community and public with easy access to information about corporations and charities; and performs public outreach to improve civic knowledge and participation.

Inslee’s appointment of Hobbs is effective November 22. There will be a statewide special election in November 2022 to decide who will complete the last two years of the current secretary of state’s term.

Read the full story here.

Watch the governor’s video announcement here.