— from Susan Anderson —

The new conference room at the Orcas Island Community Foundation was buzzing with excitement as the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Initiative convened its first Sustainability Task Force meeting December 7.  Over the past four years, the ECE Initiative, comprised of educators from the three schools, education researchers, and a small number of donors have significantly increased preschool access and quality leading to improved kindergarten readiness for our children.

The new Sustainability Task Force, facilitated by Jim Connell, met to begin the process of identifying and developing sustainable sources of funding for preschool access and quality in order to maintain and further strengthen kindergarten-readiness. 

Total costs for the ECE initiative are approximately $125,000 per year: approximately $75,000 for the “quality component” and $50,000 per year for the “access component.”  The initiative’s Sustainability Task Force will be looking at public and private sources for these funds.

The following individuals will lend their expertise to work groups focused on pursuing specific pathways to sustainability:

Local community (private donors, organizations and foundations)

  • Susan Anderson (Lead)
  • Steve Jung (Advisor)
  • Amber Paulsen
  • Teresa Chocano
  • Tony Ghazel
  • Kyle Carver
  • Joe Cohen (Advisor)

Public investments (county, state and federal)

  • Travis Neal (Lead)
  • Madden Surbaugh
  • Eric Webb (Advisor)
  • Rick Hughes

Regional and national foundations

  • Jim Connell (Lead)
  • Meagan Gable

To learn more about its mission, join or support the task force’s work, please contact Jim Connell at jpc796@gmail.com.