— from Gretchen Krampf —

Our dear friend, and much-loved island woman, Erin Bea McCarthy, age 62, passed away on September 21 after a brief illness. Erin lived on Orcas since the late 80s and was known to many as the owner of Paradise Upholstery. Numerous island homes are enhanced by her sense of design, skill and love of fabrics.

Erin will always be remembered for her great storytelling, sense of humor and infectious laugh. Some friends suspected that she harbored a hidden ambition to be a stand-up comedian. Her favorite activities included old movies, singing and dancing and you may well have heard her rendition of Santana’s “Smooth” on Karaoke Night at the Lower. A Minnesota-born mermaid, Erin loved her island life and swam in Mountain Lake or the Lagoon whenever possible.

Erin Bea is survived by her beloved pooch, Bosen “Tators,” a large circle of grieving friends near and far, three sisters, a brother, and many nieces and nephews. Her last request was that there be no sad photo montage and that we all dance, dance, dance. Plans for a celebration are underway.

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