From Paul Kamin, General Manager
Eastsound Water Users Association

Our friends at the Eastsound Sewer District have asked EWUA members for an unusual favor. This request applies specifically to EWUA members who are also served by Eastsound Sewer District.

On Tuesday night, starting at 8 pm, the Eastsound Sewer District (ESD)is undertaking a major project as part of the County’s Mount Baker Road project. There is a collection vault buried in the middle of the N. Beach and Mt. Baker Rd intersection that must be replaced. This vault is a confluence of sewer lines from 3 different directions (east, west and south), and over 75% of the flow into the District’s treatment plant goes through this vault. How do you remove and replace this vault when the flows in the sewer lines cannot be shut off?

ESWD customers are being asked to reduce their water use, and therefore their septic discharge between 8pm Tuesday July 16th and 5am Wednesday July 17th. Please don’t start your dishwasher, or laundry after 8pm Tuesday night. If would please post a note on your toilets to remember to delay flushing till Wednesday morning that would be most helpful.

This project is being done overnight when the Sewer District’s flows are the lowest, but the professionals at Orcas Excavating who are actually doing the work sure would appreciate all the help we can offer. This includes avoiding driving through the intersection during the work if at all possible. Flaggers will be on site to direct necessary traffic.

Thanks in advance for your help with this unusual request. I’m sure there will be some interesting stories to be told when this project is complete!

If you have questions it is likely best to contact ESWD directly at 376-2027.