Wednesday, Dec. 14 on Lopez, 160 Village Rd

— from Eleanor Hoague —

Daniel Perez from the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project will give a talk in Spanish called “Know Your Rights” next Wednesday, December 14th at 5:00 p.m. It will be held at the Lopez Island Family Resource Center, 160 Village Rd. The talk is free, specifically directed to our immigrant community and he takes a lot of questions afterwards. There is a ferry at 3:10 from Orcas to Lopez and a 7:30 ferry from Lopez to Orcas. Although most Orcas Issues readers are English speakers, they may want to urge their Spanish speaking friends or employees to go to hear Daniel.​​

Daniel Pérez del Proyecto para los Derechos del Inmigrante, va a dar una charla en español llamada “Conozca sus Derechos” el próximo miércoles, el 14 de diciembre a las 5:00 de la tarde. Lo dará en el Centro de Recursos Familiares de la Isla Lopez, 160 Village Rd La charla es gratis y específicamente dirigida a nuestra comunidad de inmigrantes y él toma un montón de preguntas después. Hay un ferry a las 3:15 de Orcas a López y un ferry de 7:30 de López a Orcas.