Contributed by Samara Shaw

Education pioneers Charles Kouns and Stella Humphries invite everyone, of all ages to a thought-provoking presentation and conversation:

“How do we educate young people to thrive in a world of possibility?”

“The times implore us, our young people implore us to create a fresh seed for education. What does the DNA of this seed need to contain?  What do we need to conserve? What do we need to let go of? What do we need to discover?  What will it take?”

The event will take place Friday, March 11th, from 7 to 9 the Senior Center

Charles Kouns is an educator and visionary with over 20 years of secondary and tertiary school experience guiding and empowering young people to discover their wisdom and believe in themselves.  His passion for giving young people voice, led him to found Imagine Learning, a San Francisco based organization exploring new frontiers in education. He now leads  Listening Sessions, asking teens across America for their input on how education could be reinvented.

Dr. Stella Humphries is a passionate, innovative and highly experienced developer of transformational learning journeys, spaces and processes for individuals, groups and organizations.   As such, she is the Architectural Steward of Imagine Learning and is leading the effort to evolve, through a blend of contemporary and ancient wisdom, “a curriculum for being” that responds to young people’s deepest needs and emerges their capacities to thrive.

You can learn more about Imagine Learning by visiting: Video: or call Samara 376-6771 for more details.

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