— from Seattle PI

In a matter of just one year there have been hundreds of minor accidents aboard Washington State Ferries. The agency says there is one thing to blame.

“Everybody is doing it,” said Ron Scott, a deck hand for WSF. “Everybody is on their phones.”

All day Tuesday the M/V Walla Walla was filled to the brim with cars.

But getting vehicles on and off the state vessels is becoming more and more of a challenge.

“It’s just amazing the amount distractions we are dealing with when we are trying to load a boat,” said Rory Rodriguez, a traffic attendant for WSF.

But there’s one distraction, according to WSF, that tops the list. Smart phones.

Drivers are talking, texting and taking pictures while boarding the boat.

READ FULL STORY: https://www.seattlepi.com/local/komo/article/Hundreds-of-fender-benders-happening-on-ferry-13970863.php