from “Watching Our Water Ways”
By Chris Dunagan of the Kitsap “Sun”

A Navy public affairs officer has been contacted to help track down an unusual incident involving a human voice heard underwater last night  (Wednesday, April 8)  in Haro Strait near the San Juan Islands.

Val Veirs, who operates hydrophones in the San Juan Islands, picked up odd sounds that he and his computerized monitoring system have never heard in at least seven years of operation.

As best as anyone can tell, the sounds consist of a human voice interspersed with loud sonar pings.

“I have never heard anything like this before,” Val told me this morning. “I have computer codes that try to reject the usual things. … They were telling us last night that this was something very different.”

Val, currently president of the board for The Whale Museum in Friday Harbor, was the person who added scientific credibility to the loud pinging caused by the Navy destroyer USS Shoup as it passed through Haro Strait in 2002.

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