— by Margie Doyle —

At the monthly meeting of the Eastsound Planning and Review Committee (EPRC) on Oct. 15, County Councilman Rick Hughes elaborated on the Lodging Tax Allocations (LTAC) made by the County Council last Tuesday, Oct. 13.

The allocations to Orcas Island organizations for facilities:

  • $21,000 for the Orcas Off-Leash dog park west of Buck Park off Mount Baker Road;
  • $7,500 to the Orcas Museum for the agricultural exhibit shed;
  • $50,000 for Deer Harbor Planning Review committee for a trail project linking Deer Harbor with Camp Four Winds;
  • $5,000 to the Orcas Chamber of Commerce for refurbishing the Eastsound Village Green; including replacing garbage receptacles;
  • $1,500 to the Orcas Island Chamber of Commerce for “Welcome to Eastsound” wayfinding signs;
  • $50,000 to the County to public space at the Orcas Ferry Landing; to redevelop the area with WSDOT, providing for ADA access, and for seating areas and picnic benches and tables ;
  • $6,200 for the county to provide for an exhibit experience at the Orcas Landing (County funds);
  • $100,000 was allocated county-wide for land purchase of affordable housing and short-term rentals for those who work in the lodging industry.
  • $104,000 to the San Juan, Orcas and Lopez Arts Centers, to be divided equally;
  • $79,000 to the San Juan, Orcas and Lopez Historical Museums, also to be divided equally.

The following funds were awarded for promotional purposes:

  • $5,000 to Orcas Open Arts for the Orcas Island Jazz Festival
  • $10,000 to Orcas Open Arts for the TEDx talks
  • $15,000 to Orcas Open Arts for the Orcas Island Film Festival
  • $25,000 each to the Orcas, San Juan and Lopez Chambers of Commerce. An additional $5,000 may be allocated proportionately to the island chamber, following consultations with the local chambers.

According to Hughes, Orcas Island received the majority of the money; and this year was the closest match between allocations and receipt collection.

Hughes said that that the county’s emphasis in allocations had shifted form promotion to facilities, “so our facilities match our marketing.” He also noted that San Juan County is the 11th smallest county in the state and the 11th largest collector of county lodging taxes in the state of Washington.