by Lin McNulty

Cameron Krein, Certified ASM Trainer

Cameron Krein, Certified NASM Trainer

It’s still New Year’s Resolution season, and Cameron Krein says it’s a good time to be a trainer.

Krein has been offering weight, strength, and flexibility training on Orcas and San Juan for the last year. His classes are geared toward people of a certain age. Seniors, he noted when he moved to Orcas, are a demographic that wasn’t necessarily getting needed attention in the fitness area. So he visited the Senior Center, made a proposal at the Senior Lunch, and opened up new possibilities for fitness on Orcas.

He likes working with an older clientele. There is a noticeable lack of peer pressure, as participants encourage each other and understand the value of of doing only what they can as they work together with Cameron and with each other to increase balance, strength, and density of muscle and bone.

Krein is certified through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and utilizes that organization’s approach to fitness, emphasizing the value of “little” strength before “big” strength. Beginning with baby steps—simple movements—participants become comfortable with more complex movements and notice a welcome increase in balance and coordination.

One of the advantages of Krein’s program is that no special equipment is necessary. Trainees are encouraged to use what is available in their homes; a soup can (avg. one pound), a water bottle (1.5 pounds), or a gallon jug (8.5 pounds) will suffice nicely. He stresses that he has clients who only do exercises from a seated position; there is something for everyone!

When not involved with his passion for fitness, in true Orcas fashion Krein has other jobs. He works in maintenance at Rosario, is a custodian at Orcas High School, and can sometimes be seen catering or in the kitchen at Red Rabbit Farm. He moved here with his wife (who makes candles) and their daughter, Daisy, after becoming disenchanted with his corporate job with a major retailer in Olympia where he realized that at the end of the day, there was always someone dissatisfied. Now, he says, people tell him thank you!

Among the highlights for him is the woman in her 60s who lifted a 50-pound bar 30 times; she never thought she would be able to do that. And: the man who, on 87th birthday, lifted a barbell for first time in his life.

Classes are open to any and all. Contact Cameron at 298-1565 or 376-3006. He is also available by email at Or drop in at the Athletic Center at 1:30 on Tuesdays, or the Senior Center at 1:30 p.m. on Fridays. On Fridays, Cameron says, “we squeeze in a bit of exercise between exchanging stories.”