— from Stephanie Buffum —

At this time, the Oil Transportation Safety Bill (HB 1611) is making its way to a full floor vote in the State House. This is a commonsense bill that holds the oil industry accountable for the risks they pose to our communities and waterways. The bill has four key pillars:

  • Establishing a stable and reliable funding source to ensure that the state has the resources to do top-notch prevention, response and preparedness work;
  • Protecting the Puget Sound from under regulated barges and new types of oil;
  • Requiring refineries to update protections and notify the public about plans to become oil terminals; and
  • Strengthening oversight and community engagement on pipelines.

Despite these basic protections, the oil industry is fighting this tooth and nail. Tell your legislator that this is an issue you care about and want passed.  Thanks to Representative Farrell (46th) and Senator Carlyle (36th) for sponsoring this important bill. Given the Trump Administration’s close ties with the oil industry, we will continue to be a target for more oil that puts our communities and waterways at risk. Washington can and should stand up to the oil industry and ensure that all available protections are in place.

Contact your legislator today: pass HB 1611.

1)    Send your email to Reps tonight at www.standuptooil.org/act/support-the-oil-transportation-safety-bill/

Re: Oil Transportation Safety Act (HB 1611)

I am concerned about the ongoing threat that oil trains, pipelines, and tankers pose on my community and our waterways. The Oil Transportation Safety Act (HB 1611) is a commonsense approach to strengthening our prevention, response and preparedness program. Let’s not wait for a spill or other disaster to happen to take action. I urge you to vote YES on HB 1611. Protect all of Washington from crude oil transport.

2)  Leave a telephone message for House Finance Committee Members:

 Representative Room Phone
Lytton, Kristine (D)
368 John L. O’Brien Building (360) 786-7800
Frame, Noel (D)
Vice Chair
319 John L. O’Brien Building (360) 786-7814
Nealey, Terry (R)
Ranking Minority Member
404 John L. O’Brien Building (360) 786-7828
Orcutt, Ed (R)
Asst Ranking Minority Member
408 John L. O’Brien Building (360) 786-7990
Condotta, Cary (R) 425B Legislative Building (360) 786-7954
Dolan, Laurie (D) 318 John L. O’Brien Building (360) 786-7940
Pollet, Gerry (D) 132C Legislative Building (360) 786-7886
Springer, Larry (D) 132E Legislative Building (360) 786-7822
Stokesbary, Drew (R) 426 John L. O’Brien Building (360) 786-7846
Wilcox, J.T. (R) 426A Legislative Building (360) 786-7912
Wylie, Sharon (D) 310 John L. O’Brien Building (360) 786-7924