— from Ron Krebs, Sheriff —

The upcoming weather forecast is predicting higher than normal temperatures in the Puget Sound area. The San Juan County Sheriff’s Office wants to remind everyone not to leave your pets in your cars.

On a warm, sunny day try turning your car off, cracking your windows and sitting there. It will only be a few short minutes before it becomes unbearable. Imagine how your helpless pet will feel. On an 85-degree day, for example, the temperature inside a car with the windows cracked can reach 102 degrees within only ten minutes. After 30 minutes, the temperature will reach 120 degrees. At 110 degrees, pets are in danger of heatstroke. On hot and humid days, the temperature in a car parked in direct sunlight can rise more than 30 degrees per minute, and quickly become lethal.

The Stanford University of Medicine conducted a study which showed the inside temperature of your car can rise 40 degrees within minutes even with your windows cracked. So please, leave your pets at home or take them out of the car with you this summer. Violators can expect to be cited should your dog be in distress while being left in your car on hot days.