Now that most adults in San Juan County have at least received their first shot, there is a rapidly shifting focus to vaccinations for younger residents. This is for very good reasons: they are now our most vulnerable group, they are highly social and mobile, and throughout this crisis, they are in many ways the group who have lost the most. Getting them COVID-safe is our greatest priority.

Below are some key points about where things stand and where they are headed:


  • No vaccine is fully approved for those 15 and younger.
  • The only vaccine that is approved for 16 and 17-year-olds is the Pfizer vaccine.
  • The Pfizer vaccine has only been available on the mainland. This is due to the logistics of moving and storing the vaccine, and the fact that Pfizer could only be distributed to vaccine providers in large volumes.
  • A number of island 16 and 17-year-olds have been vaccinated on the mainland.


  • The FDA has approved the use of the two-shot Pfizer vaccine in those 12 and older. This happened on Monday May 10 and was widely reported in the media.
  • Before final approval, the CDC still needs to approve Pfizer for those 12 and older. CDC review is scheduled for Wednesday May 12. It is widely expected that approval will be given.
  • San Juan County received its first Pfizer vaccine shipment and has planned Pfizer clinics that will open for registration once approval is given. Tentative dates and times for those clinics are available HERE. Note that the schedule may change as events unfold. The webpage will always have the latest info.


  • There will be plenty of Pfizer vaccine on hand to vaccinate all islanders 17 or under. Note that there is also plenty of vaccine for anyone 18 or over to receive the single dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine (those adult clinics are also listed on the vaccine schedule website).
  • Once registration is open, those who are able are strongly encouraged to register in advance. Parents will need to complete the online form and provide consent for their child to be vaccinated.
  • Walk-up appointments are welcome at each clinic. Parents or guardians must be present.
  • Unvaccinated eligible family members are welcome as well.
  • All clinics are no-cost.
  • Second shots will be given exactly three weeks after the first.
  • 16 and 17-year-olds who received their first Pfizer shot at least 21 days before are welcome to sign up and receive their second dose on island. They will need to bring their CDC Vaccine Card with them to the second dose appointment.
  • There is no timeline for vaccine approval for those under 12, but Fall of 2021 is a reasonable estimate.


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