Friday, May 19 at 1 p.m. at the Senior Center

— from Jami Mitchell, County Health & Community Services —

What is hospice? Who is hospice? How can hospice help me and my loved ones?

Join us at the Orcas Island Senior Center Friday, May 19, at 1pm to for an opportunity to learn what this specialized care is about, and the many ways it can help. Come hear how hospice services can improve the quality of everyday life, and in many cases even extend it.

Presented by Hospice of the Northwest, they will discuss hospice’s holistic approach, separate myth from truth, clarify eligibility requirements and coverage, and explore the many layers of this special health care benefit. Bring your questions!

The presenters from Hospice of the Northwest will be Dana Brothers, Community Outreach Communications Program Manager, and Dorian King, Community Outreach and Education Liaison. This presentation is FREE. Please sign-up at the Senior Center front desk or by calling 376-2677.