The labyrinth at Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Eastsound provides the opportunity for reflection, meditation and guidance.

The labyrinth at Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Eastsound provides the opportunity for reflection, meditation and guidance.

From Emmanuel Episcopal Parish

Emmanuel Episcopal Parish offers a variety of worship opportunities during this most important part of the church year.  By participating in one or more of the Holy Week services, the joy of Easter should be more profound.

On Maundy Thursday, March 28, the Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in the parish hall beginning at 5:30 PM with a simple Mediterranean theme potluck dinner. Following the meal, traditional foot washing will be offered prior to the Eucharist. At the conclusion of the Eucharist, the congregation will process to the church accompanied by Taizé chanting to witness the stripping of the altar.

On Good Friday, March 29, there are multiple opportunities to experience this most holy of days. At noon, the Rector, Bishop Craig Anderson, will hear individual confessions at the altar rail for those desiring confession. As it is sometimes said in the Episcopal Church, all may, no one must, yet some should confess. Later that afternoon at 4:30, the Stations of the Cross ceremony will be held outside by the labyrinth ending in the church in time for the 5:30 Good Friday Liturgy. This service will conclude with the tolling of the bell 33 times for each year of Christ’s temporal earthly life.

On Holy Saturday, March 30, there will be short service at 5:30 PM followed by a self-directed vigil. In addition, the weekly Centering Prayer group meets from 9:30 to 11 AM in our Meditation Hall. Everyone is welcome at Centering Prayer regardless of faith tradition or experience.

There are two opportunities to celebrate Easter, March 31. There will be a Sunrise Service at 6:00 AM followed by breakfast and a 10:00 AM Eucharist followed by an Easter egg hunt. The Sunrise Service will include a summary of Old Testament lessons starting from creation that are traditionally read in an Easter Vigil service.

The entire community is welcome to participate in any or all services. As an Episcopal Church, Emmanuel believes that all baptized Christians are welcome at the Lord’s Table.

Please remember you are always welcome to walk our labyrinth. For more details on the labyrinth or Emmanuel, please visit our web site: