Our December meeting is just around the corner on Wednesday, December 13. Please join us for our HOLIDAY TEA PARTY following the Zoom presentation.  

Following Garden Club tradition, Past President Marlyn Myers’ silver tea service and antique tea cups will be in use. Plan to bring a favorite savory or sweet dish to share and your favorite tea cup. Seating will be at round banquet tables decorated with handmade wreaths which will be raffled off at the end of the party. We hope the “party” atmosphere will inspire us to socialize with one another and share our gardening observations and questions for discussion and advise!

Our speaker starts the party remotely from Skagit County. Jennie Bryan-Goforth, a WSU educator focused on sustainable food systems and food access, will present a variety of safe methods available for preserving and storing our harvest.  She will introduce and review methods such as canning, pickling, fermentation, dehydration, freezing, and microclimate storage.

The live Zoom presentation will begin at 10 am at the Orcas Center and will be followed by the TEA PARTY. The presentation will also be available via Zoom. For a link to the live Zoom presentation, go to the Orcas Island Garden Club website and click the link below the list of presentations. The presentation will be recorded and available for viewing about a week after the presentation. To watch the recorded presentation, go to the ‘Recorded Presentations’ tab under RESOURCES on the club website.

Garden Club presentations are free and open to the public. So that we have enough tables, please RSVP here if you plan to attend in person.

Click here to R. S. V. P.

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