— from Luke Pietsch, Orcas High School Senior —

People have a lot of preconceptions about operas; that they are boring, a thing of the past, or strictly for ‘old people’. My name is Luke Pietsch, and for my senior project at Orcas Island High School, I hope to change these misconceptions.

To achieve this goal, I want to take a group of fellow high school students to The Seattle Opera and prove to them how the passion and the intricate plots of operas are exciting and should be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Unfortunately, Operas do cost money, so I need your help. The high school band will be hosting an opera-themed fundraiser concert on Friday, May 3 at 7 p.m. in the community church with all proceeds going towards our trip to the opera. We have been practicing very hard to try to bring a bit of the opera to Orcas so that we can go and see the real thing, and we would love to share it with anybody who wishes to join us at the concert. Entry will, of course, be free, but any donations would be a huge help in expanding the appreciation of a classic performance art to a new generation of islanders.