Henry Moe, Student Body Officer for Orcas High School announced that it will observe the Parkland, Florida school shooting and resultant activism with a walkout on Wednesday, March 14 at 10 a.m.

“The walkout will be held in the courtyard between the middle school and the cafeteria. It will be roughly 17 -20 minutes long (17 to honor the 17 people killed in Parkland). Hope to see you there (#enough). We have a few activities planned like a candlelight vigil, but we are still working on making a tighter schedule.”

Middle/High School Principal Kyle Freeman released a letter that has been sent home to Orcas School District parents:

March 9, 2018
Dear Orcas Island Middle and High School families and community,

Following the tragic shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on February 14, there has been a collective momentum by students around the country to organize school walkouts and marches to honor the victims in that shooting and to protest school violence.

Students in our state and across the nation have already participated in student-led walkouts following the Florida shooting, and we are aware of several more school walkouts planned nationally and regionally.

At a minimum we are aware of the following calls for action.
● A student-led national 17-minute school walkout planned at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, March 14. National organizers are calling for 17 minutes of action/activity on that day to commemorate the 17 lives lost at the high school in Parkland, Florida.
● A nationwide event planned for March 24th titled “March for Our Lives” which is focused on demanding comprehensive and effective legislation be brought before Congress to address the issues of school safety and gun control.
● A student-led national high school walkout planned for April 20th (during our Spring Break), on the 19th anniversary of the Columbine shooting that calls for students to walkout of classes at 10 am and remain out of class until the end of the day.

We have been communicating with students at Orcas Island Middle and High School are planning to participate in the March 14th walkout. Details regarding the students plans will be shared via this student group using social media, email and local media.

We are proud that our students want to exercise their First Amendment rights to express their views on this important topic. When students advocate for an issue they feel passionate about, it can be a powerful learning experience. We also recognize that some students may not want to participate in a walkout and would prefer to stay in class. We want to ensure that all students feel safe and respected, no matter what they choose to do.

We want you to know, as parents and community members, how the district will respond if students participate in a student-led walkout on a school day:
● If a walkout occurs at any of our schools we will continue to operate with our normal schedule.
● Student safety is essential. Our middle and high school staff and administration are working with student leaders to ensure a safe place and supervision for those who choose to participate in student-led walkouts.
● We encourage students who choose to participate in walkouts to remain on campus. When students leave campus, it is more challenging to look out for their well-being.
● The planned nationwide and local walkouts are student-led events and not school-sponsored activities. Therefore, we will continue to follow our district policy regarding excused and unexcused absences.

We encourage you to talk with your child, as is age-appropriate and/or appropriate for your family, about the collective national conversation about school safety and your child’s possible participation in any planned student-led walkouts. As with any school-related issues you or your child may feel passionate about, you are always encouraged to contact your local, state or federal representatives.

Please know that student and staff safety are top priorities for our school leadership team. We are committed to providing support and mental health resources for students; creating an inclusive and engaging school environment; educating our students about their role in creating an inclusive and supportive culture; and continuing to develop and implement plans for student safety and emergency/crisis response.

Kyle Freeman
6-12 Principal
Orcas Island School District