Today is Ben Franklin Day for this spring’s GiveOrcas campaign. The catalog entry with the most $100 contributions today gets an extra $1000 from the Community Foundation. Second place gets $500; third $250. You can donate at https://oicf.fcsuite.com/erp/donate/create If you are able to donate $100 to the Food Bank today, please do.

Your donation will go toward raising $20,000 to purchase fresh produce and protein from farmers in San Juan County. The funds will partially match WSDA grant funding. The goals are to provide fresh, nutrient-dense local foods to the Food Bank’s customers; support local farmers and the local economy; and lower the Food Bank’s dependence on off-island suppliers.

Keeping people living here and healthy is vital to our entire island community. You can read about the Food Bank’s work to accomplish this in these three recent articles:


Thank you!

PS If you are motivated to give more than $100, you can increase the odds of the Food Bank getting one of the bonuses from the Community Foundation by giving today in separate $100 increments and/or by several family members making $100 contributions. (Contributions “in honor of” or “in memory of” are always welcome but don’t count toward the Ben Franklin Day bonuses.)

I forgot to mention that I erroneously thought yesterday was Ben Franklin day and gave $100, so we’ve got to do it again today. We hope you can join us in giving on the real Ben Franklin day.