— from San Juan County Communications —

The County is beginning a periodic review of its Shoreline Master Program (SMP) as required by WAC 173-26-090.  This update is intended to assure consistency of the  SMP with the SJC Comprehensive Plan, development regulations and other local requirements. It will:

  • Bring the SJC SMP into compliance with the requirements of the Shoreline Management Act that have been added or changed since the last review;
  • Respond to changes in Ecology’s guidelines;
  • Ensure consistency with comprehensive plans and regulations; and
  • Incorporate amendments to reflect changed circumstances, new information, or improved data.

Public Participation Plan and Tentative Schedule

Please subscribe to receive notices and updates regarding this project by selecting the Shoreline Master Program Update item at the following link: https://www.sanjuanco.com/list.aspx 

Public Comments must be sent to SMPcomments@sanjuanco.com.  Please provide your full contact information for the record.

Staff Documents

  1. Public Participation Plan and Tentative Schedule
  2. Memo for December 3, 2019 Council Briefing
  3. November 15th Planing Commission Presentation
  4. November 15, 2019 Planning Commission Briefing Memo
  5. September 16, 2019 Council Briefing Memo


  1. Ecology FAQ periodic review
  2. Ecology Notice Periodic Review Due June 2020
  3. SMPAmendmentProceduralReviewRules
  4. Summary of the rule