Sunday, May 17, 3 to 5 pm and Thursday, May 21, 7 to 9 pm, the Grange

— from Doug Bechtel —

The Actors Theater announces auditions in September, The Actors Theater of Orcas Island will present seven performances of the play “Calendar Girls” by Tim Firth. The play, based on the movie of the same name and a true story of a group of English women who made a calendar to raise money to replace the worn out sofa in the waiting room of a hospital after the husband of a member of their group died of cancer. This laugh out loud and touching play tells a wonderful story of love, loss, friendship and self realization. There is a copy of the play and a copy of the movie at the Library.

“Calendar Girls” has roles for 8 “women of a certain age” (40’s and older) as well as two roles for younger women and 4 roles for men of various ages. Six of the women’s roles will require some discrete nudity.

In addition to the auditions, The Actors Theater will have two table readings to familiarize actors with the play and give those present the chance to discuss the play and what would be expected of actors. The Table Readings are scheduled for Sunday, May 10 at 3 p.m. at the Grange and Thursday, May 14 at 7 p.m. also at the Grange. These readings are open to anyone who might be interested in auditioning or just want to learn more about the play. The table readings are not auditions and attending or not attending the readings is optional.

Auditions for “Calendar Girls”  will be held Sunday, May 17th from 3 to 5 pm and Thursday, May 21st from 7 to 9 pm. You do not need to attend both auditions. If necessary, call backs will be held the week of May 24th.

If you can’t make either of the auditions or need additional information contact the Director, Doug Bechtel at 317-5601.