Here we are in the thick of Summer! Salmon fishing and crabbing opened yesterday, the flowers have gone crazy and I suddenly have plenty of cabbage! The abundance is on!

Tomorrow my neighborhood celebrates Olga Daze, a community wide event to raise funds for the Olga Energetics Club and enjoy the wackiness of the Eastside. I suspect folks may be lining up for maple bars as I write. Maple bars are fried rectangles of yeasted dough that are delicious. The Willis/O’Neil/Culver clan has been making them at this event for as long as I can remember. They have invited some neighbors to help in the production, as they make hundreds and sell out every year. I have not yet been invited to help, but I have only been a neighbor of the Willis family for a short time….22 years….so not quite a local yet. If you have not had the pleasure of tasting one of these treats, come on down to Olga Daze, 10- 3 Saturday.

The Energetics Club is our community gathering space. Most of the Hamlets on Orcas have a similar space. In Doe Bay it is the Fire Hall, Deer Harbor and West Sound have their Community Halls. These spaces are where we gather to have potlucks, community forums and often where we bid farewell to a neighbor who has passed. They are truly the heart of our community. Keeping them in good shape takes time, effort and funding. Thank you to all who support these places, either by serving on the Board, donating skill and funds, or eating too many maple bars. It all helps keep these gathering places functional.

The folks who live in Eastsound have a variety of gathering spaces, such as the Fire Hall, the Library, Odd Fellows Hall and the Orcas Center. All provide space to gather and connect, vital for a thriving community. The Orcas Center Gala is tomorrow night and tickets are still available and can be purchased here.

I hope to see you there!

PS- Don’t forget to donate to the Senior Center Building Match to double your donation! Donate here!


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