Over the course of the past five weeks and since the last update on Friday April 1st, there have been 115 new confirmed or probable cases in San Juan County. Current case count is now 1390. Note that these numbers do not include suspect
cases (positive over-the-counter home tests). The following represents current confirmed or probable cases reported
across the islands.

  • LOPEZ ISLAND: There are 17 active cases.
  • ORCAS ISLAND: There are 13 active cases.
  • SAN JUAN ISLAND: There are 18 active cases.

Case Rates:
Case rates are rising locally, regionally, and statewide. The recent uptick in cases was expected with most COVID restrictions being lifted. The actual number of cases is estimated to be significantly higher, with many cases going unreported as individuals utilize Over-the-Counter test kits (OTC). The number of cases that are reported and tracked is
estimated to account for only approximately 20% of cases actually present in the community.

Going Forward:
As we begin to shift from a public health response to a personal health response, we want to remind islanders of some
ways to protect themselves and our community:

  • It is NEVER too late to vaccinate. COVID vaccines dramatically reduce the risk of hospitalization and death if
    infected. Booster shots significantly reduce risks even further. For information on COVID vaccine appointments
    visit sjccovid.com.
  • Those who are high-risk or who are interacting closely with others who are high-risk, should continue to be
    thoughtful and work to minimize exposure. Minimizing exposure includes wearing masks, limiting gatherings,
    and testing prior to gatherings.
  • Individuals that are high-risk and test positive for COVID are encouraged to contact their medical home or
    Primary Care Provider (PCP) regarding potential treatment options.
  • If you are sick, stay home and test yourself for COVID. You may use the following resources if you are
    symptomatic, test positive, or are a close contact of a positive individual: 1) COVID-19 Symptom Decision Tree
    2) What to Do If You Test Positive.
  • You can still order free COVID test kits through the Washington State Department of Health at the Yes to Test
    website here. Currently, you may place an order for two test kits once a month (this is subject to change).

Those who wish to keep up with case numbers may do so at the SJC COVID Data Dashboard. We will continue written
updates as necessary to share critical information.