Orcas Issues asked candidates for elective races to respond to questions. Candidates for the Orcas Fire District Position  #2 Duff Andrews and Clyde Duke are featured today.

Their answers originally ran in the August primary election, and are the same questions that were asked of Fire District candidates Barbara Bedell and Pierrette Guimond.

For further information on each candidate, contained in the Official Voters Guide, go to the official San Juan County website:


Readers will be able to refer back to the candidates’ answers on previous days by typing their name in the “Search” window at the top of the website.

Following are Candidate Henry “Duff” Andrews’ responses.

1) What in your experience and vision brings you to put yourself forth as a candidate for the three-member Orcas Fire District Commissioner’s position?

I had eight years experience as a Fire Commissioner in the tumultuous 90s facing challenging issues of that time: administration of the department, Medical control, volunteer benefits, labor union negotiations, replacing and updating equipment and facilities. After two years of research we submitted a long range plan for the next 20-30 years and were successful in getting the levy passed to implement our needs. My vision at that time was to gradually see these changes were made in a logical sequence while maintaining a highly successful volunteer organization of the department.

2) What do you consider the most important responsibilities of the Commissioners? Please state your unique contributions in fulfilling those responsibilities, including the number of hours you envision working as a Commissioner, both in and outside of public meetings?

The most important responsibility of the Commissioners is the judicious spending and accountability of the tax dollars collected for the Fire District. It is essential that we spend as much time as possible in planning the next year’s budget.  It is an important guide for the year. Each month the budget and line items should be scrutinized where the dollars are being spent and how it relates to the budget as a whole. This in itself implies that the public has to be informed on a monthly basis the status of the annual budget. This requires the ability to spend the time require, which I am able and willing to do.

3) The Fire District levy expires in 2014 – please comment on the levy status, if you foresee a new levy happening before 2014, what needs to be accomplished before the current levy expires, and what a new levy should look like.

The present levy took two years of planning with professionals and consultants to arrive at a budget to accommodate our needs. Remember that half of the levy was for administration of the District and the other half was for equipment and facilities. It was a healthy levy and there should be NO need for another levy before 2014. I’m concerned about the escalating costs of the Administrative portion. The equipment and facilities should be taken care of by 2014. I would like the next budget levy to be approximately ONE HALF of the present level.

4) According to current Fire Chief Mike Harris, the District’s Strategic Plan of 2005 focused on three areas: 1) updating Fire Dept. equipment and stations; 2) installing fulltime paramedics and cross-training volunteers in both EMS and firefighting roles; 3) improving communication within the Fire Department and with the public. Please comment on the implementation of those plans, if you see the need for revisiting that strategic plan and/or forming a new strategic plan, and what you see as the essential considerations in a new strategic plan.

#1 Upgrading – too much emphasis on equipment and very little emphasis on the outlying stations. This was NOT the original intent. The Deer Harbor project should have been started years ago.

#2 Cross-training was a big mistake. The District lost some dedicated, long-serving volunteers as a result. Morale has been a continuing issue among our volunteers.

#3 Very little has been done regarding communication with the public. I think rather than revisiting the 2005 strategic plan, I believe a new strategic plan should be implemented

5) Other county taxing district boards have declined increases to their stipends. Do you see a need for this or other cost-cutting measures in your assessment of the financial situation of the district?

We can learn from other taxing districts’ cost cutting measures, but we have to scrutinize our own financial affairs to reduce our expenditures. Set aside mandatory expenditures, prioritize the remainder and go to work! I would emphasize the administration side of the budget. The administration can work with a substantial reduction of staff. In 1998 we had one full time position (the Chief) one ¾ time position (Administrative Assistant) and two half-time positions  (Mechanic and Public Education). It has been vastly exceeded now. Careful evaluation of staffing SHOULD be done if we expect to get a new levy passed in 2014.

6) If you were to communicate one message to the voting public regarding your service as Fire District Commissioner, what would that be?

If elected Fire Commissioner I will devote myself to reducing costs and expenditures and pledge my support for a Volunteer Fire District. Some changes must be made to assure an effective and efficient Fire District. I would be proud to serve again.

Thank you for allowing me to respond to your questions.

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