On April 8, 2015, Orcas high school senior Emily Foster was the victim of a hit and run pedestrian accident. Emily was crossing the road in a crosswalk on Main Street in downtown Eastsound. She was struck by a car which then fled the scene. Emily was airlifted to the nearest hospital, is in stable condition now, and will be coming home soon.
A fund-raising effort has been launched online where people can help Emily Foster by going to gofundme.com/emilyfoster
Jeramie Peacock, who helped organize the campaign, said, “This fund is for expenses that might not be covered under PIP protection from Emily’s own insurance or Victim Services. These include non-covered skin care, alternative therapies and bodywork (such as acupuncture), as well as for Emily’s living expenses for this time during which she cannot work and is needing to focus on her recovery. She was preparing to start working full time at Enzo’s for the summer for the year upon her graduation and she may or may not be able to do that.”
On the funding website, Emily has written:
“I’m so incredibly thankful for all of the support I’ve received from friends, family, and generous strangers. It truly amazes me the way the community has responded and encouraged me through the healing process. All of the support and positivity I’ve received has really aided in my recovery. I’m healing more and more each day and I’m very anxious to get back on my feet and back to civilization. Thank you so much to everyone who has donated and kept me in their thoughts, Orcas Island is a beautiful community and I feel incredibly blessed to be a part of it.”