Farm to Cafeteria Pizza Thursdays at Doe Bay

— by Madie Murray —

Tomas Holmes helps make cob oven pizzas at "school's out"  garden party

Tomas Holmes helps make cob oven pizzas at “school’s out” garden party

Those who have come to a pizza party in the public school garden or had lunch in our school cafeteria know that the Orcas Island Farm to Cafeteria Program helps fund plants, materials and tools for the school garden; our wonderful garden keeper, Colleen Stewart; and fresh, organic produce, herbs and meats from local farms in our school lunch programs.

Now you can eat a pizza and, in doing so, donate to Farm to Cafeteria by going to the Doe Bay Café on Thursdays in August – beginning August 13th (Doe Bay Cafe is closed to the public on August 6th for Music Fest)! No need for reservations – just show up! The more people that visit Doe Bay Café for their Thursday Night Pizzas during the month of August, the more our program will receive – so mark your calendars and bring the whole family, friends, neighbors and anyone willing to come along! Treat them. Do whatever you have to. It’s for Farm to Cafeteria!

Doe Bay has been a staunch supporter of the use of local, fresh, organic ingredients in all the awesome foods they prepare in the Café. They, too, have a beautiful organic garden from which they draw much of the ingredients they use in their Café fare. And, they have supported our program generously over the years. We appreciate this great opportunity to share the bounty!

Doe Bay and Farm to Cafeteria share the same philosophy: “Fresh Food. Not Fast Food!”