A clinic for potential “Dream Act” children (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) will be held on Saturday, December 1 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the San Juan Middle School in Friday Harbor ( 85 Blair Avenue) by the American Immigration Lawyers Association, Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, the Skagit Immigrant Rights Project and a number of other immigrant rights groups and lawyers.

There will be an initial screening, help for eligible people in filling out the forms in a class room setting and in filing the applications. (A $25 to $50 donation is requested, but if people can’t pay, they will not be refused.)

Basic eligibility requirements are:

  • under 31 years of age as of June 15, 2012;
  • came to the U.S. while under the age of 16;
  • have continuously resided in the U.S. from June 15, 2007 to the present. (For purposes of calculating this five year period, brief and innocent absences from the United States for humanitarian reasons will not be included);
  • entered the U.S. without inspection before June 15, 2012, or individuals whose lawful immigration status expired as of June 15, 2012;
  • were physically present in the United States on June 15, 2012, and at the time of making the request for consideration of deferred action with USCIS;
  • are currently in school, have graduated from high school, have obtained a GED, or have been honorably discharged from the Coast Guard or armed forces;
  • have not been convicted of a felony offense, a significant misdemeanor, or more than three misdemeanors and do not pose a threat to national security or public safety.

For further information, contact 206-365-2225.

Thanks to Eleanor Hoague