— from Sara Boyle for Orcas Senior Center —

Hearts and Hands (H&H), the home companion program at the Orcas Senior Center, needs additional volunteers! The H&H program recruits, trains and matches volunteers with elderly, ill, or disabled adults in the community to assist them in maintaining independence and improved quality of life. H&H Volunteers provide companionship, assistance with light chores in house and yard, errands, and social opportunities.

“Neighbors helping neighbors” is an island tradition. Trained H&H volunteers provide friendly visits and companionship 1-4 hours a week, perhaps to share a cup of tea, chat, play cards, offer a caring heart, listen, provide emotional support, and maybe accompany them on outings. Volunteer services may include light housekeeping, simple home repairs or yard work, local errands, or on-island transportation.

H&H volunteers, who prefer a different level of involvement, can respond to calls for occasional help with short-term work projects and/or assisting with transportation. Additionally, Phone Pal volunteers can offer companionship and regular check-ins by telephone.

All volunteers receive training and guidance needed to provide Hearts and Hands services. The orientation and on-going communication between the program director and volunteers prepares and supports them to be sensitive to the needs of their “match” and to respect each person’s right to compassion, confidentiality, and dignity in all phases of life. Volunteers generally serve folks in their own homes, but they also may meet for lunch or go on field trips or appointments with their match.

To find out more about Hearts and Hands and different ways you can support this island community service, please contact Tom Eversole at (360) 370.0562 or by email at: orcasheartsandhands@gmail.com.

If you or someone you know is in need of assistance from a Hearts and Hands volunteer, please contact Tom Eversole at (360) 370.0562. After an assessment meeting to determine what needs H&H can meet, a volunteer will be matched according to similar interests and the needs requested. If appropriate, referrals to other programs and services will be provided. The program is supported in part by private donations, United Way and OICF. It works closely with San Juan County Senior Services. There is no fee for services provided by Hearts and Hands.