Betsy Louton, Hearts and Hands Volunteer Coordinator. There will be a training session for volunteers on Sept. 16

Betsy Louton, Hearts and Hands Volunteer Coordinator. There will be a training session for volunteers on Sept. 16

Imagine yourself as an elder unable to walk your dog. Imagine needing to get to town but being unable to drive. Many of our elders face such challenges.

Fortunately, volunteers from Hearts and Hands are able to help. Volunteers typically spend one to two hours a week with their recipient offering a friendly visit, transportation, light housekeeping or simple meal preparation. While one might think of this experience as a one way flow of service from volunteer to recipient, volunteers soon learn they also are enriched.

There will be a Volunteer Orientation on Wednesday, Sept. 16 at 9 a.m. at the Senior Center. For those who are able to attend, or who would like more information, please call 376-7723 or email

Patsy Stephens recalls, “As…a volunteer, I want to share my secret: this experience has brought into my life a wise and wonderful friend. I look forward each week to our get-togethers and hope they are as helpful to my “special friend” as they are to me!”

Hearts and Hands joined the Senior Center in January 2009 and has steadily received and filled new requests for service, but we still need more volunteers. While the organization is looking for people who can offer regular service, it is also interested in volunteers who are only available on a part-time basis.

Its mission is to “provide practical and emotional support to assist isolated, frail, ill, elderly or disabled adults to maintain independence and improve thier quality of life.” Trained volunteers help with companionship, practical assistance and caregiver respite.

A call to the Hearts and Hands office at 376-7723 can start arrangements for an assessment visit to determine what needs can be met through the program or resources provided. There is no fee.

Hearts and Hands is a program of the Orcas Island Senior Center, and is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation. It is administered by Volunteer Coordinator Betsy Louton. The Orcas Island Senior Center Advisory Committee supports the administration and operation of the program services and community outreach.

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