Orientation for new volunteers on June 9

By Betsy Louton, Hearts and Hands Coordinator

Hearts and Hands is an organization that finds and trains volunteers to work with the elderly and disabled. Our mission is to offer support and assistance to help maintain independence and improve quality of life.

Seemingly simple tasks make a very big difference to those we help. A friendly visit to someone who is unable to get out of the home offers friendship and a feeling of being cared for. Providing transportation helps those who don’t drive get to medical and physical therapy appointments; assistance with shopping and errands provides access to food and medicines, and may offer an opportunity to for someone to get to town and see friends they haven’t seen in awhile.

Volunteers generally see their recipient once a week for one to two hours. Sometimes we have volunteers who travel or who can’t commit to a weekly visit and we are able to pair two volunteers with one recipient. Our volunteers feel they receive more than they give and treasure their time with their recipient. One volunteer asked if she should be recording her hours of service when she is simply having so much fun.

Hearts and Hands is presently in need of more volunteers. There will be an orientation at the Senior Center on Thursday, June 9 from10 a.m.-12 p.m… If you would like to find out more about being a volunteer please join us; call 3676-7723 to sign up.

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