from the League of Women Voters of the San Juans

The November 18th Membership Meeting of the League of Women Voters of the San Juans, “Controversy and Clarity: Healthcare and Religious Institutions in Washington State,” will be held at the San Juan Island Grange, 152 First Street North, Friday Harbor, from noon to 2 p.m.

Given the controversy surrounding the 50 year contract signed with Peace Health for our new medical facility on San Juan Island, the League felt that it could play a role in weeding out fact from rumor.

The League of Women Voters of Washington has published positions on issues pertinent to this discussion. Those interested can go online to,
to see our positions on accessibility of Health Care and our belief in the policy of separation of church and state.

A panel of speakers will give brief remarks after which the discussion will be opened to written questions from the audience. Scheduled speakers will be:

  • Jeff Mero, Executive Director of the Association of Washington Public Hospital Districts;
  • David Miller, President of the Greater Seattle Chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State;
  • Cynthia Stewart, League of Women Voters of WA Lobby Team member for Health Care;
  • Monica Harrington, part-time resident and activist in the realm of religious restrictions on Health Care.

All Islanders are welcome and encouraged to attend this important informational meeting.