— from Anne Presson for Orcas Island Health Care District —

As we reported for much of 2019, the Orcas Island Health Care District (OIHCD) spent most of last year assessing the existing health care model. This included gaining an understanding of the complex health care reimbursement system and the constraints of delivering care on a rural, remote island. As the discussion continued into 2020, the decision was made that funding a two-clinic model was not sustainable, and there was consensus of the Board to move to a single clinic funding model in 2021.

To accomplish their objective, one of the key activities for 2020 is to conduct a Medical Clinic Operator Request for Proposal (RFP). At their April 21 Regular meeting, Commissioners received a draft of the Medical Clinic Operator RFP document. Once finalized, the RFP release will begin the process of identifying potential medical service providers interested in operating a consolidated Clinic on Orcas.

The Board will be reviewing a final draft of the RFP document and supporting materials, and possibly taking action to release the RFP at their next Regular meeting on May 5.

Due to the technical challenges of accepting live Public Comment, the Board will be modifying our process while we are unable to hold “in person” meetings. We ask that anyone interested in making a comment do so by submitting it in writing via email prior to the meeting. Please include your full name and keep in mind comments will be limited to three minutes. Comments should be emailed to: annep@orcashealth.org and must be received no later than 3 p.m. on Tuesday, May 5 to be read during the meeting.

As a reminder, OIHCD Regular Board meetings start at 5 p.m. and are currently held via Zoom. To access the Agenda and meeting materials, visit the Notices page on the District website. Materials will be posted online no later than 5 p.m. the day prior to the meeting. You will also find the Zoom link on the Agenda or Meetings Calendar page of the website. The Agenda
format contains a Public Comment period at both the start and close of the meeting. To accommodate comments that come as a result of the discussion, we will have meeting participants type in their Public Comment via the Chat function on Zoom, and I will read those comments similar to how the emailed Public Comments will be handled at the start of the meeting.

The Commissioners and I appreciate your understanding as we strive to keep you informed and seek your input, even as we navigate these unusual times.