The Agenda and Materials (Board Packet) for the June 22, 2022 SPECIAL Board meeting of the Orcas Island Health Care District will be posted June 21. You can access the agenda and meeting materials at Meeting Documents – Orcas Island Health Care District (orcashealth.org)

Commissioners will discuss and confirm a decision to hire a recruiting firm to expand the search for a permanent superintendent. They will discuss their vision for a successful health care system on Orcas Island and possibly adopt a vision statement. This shared vision will provide a reference point for strategic planning based on the Health Care Needs Assessment data currently being collected.

To receive email notices of OIHCD Board meetings, District news and updates, go HERE. You can unsubscribe from the OIHCD e-mail list at any time.

The public meeting begins at 5 PM and will be held via Zoom. The Governor’s health emergency proclamation is still in effect, and Commissioners will continue to meet remotely to protect the health of our community. The link to join the zoom meeting can be found on the agenda and is also posted below.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 867 7137 7328
Passcode: 477332
One tap mobile
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Dial in:        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)