— from the Friday Harbor Whale Museum —

Brad Hanson, 2016

On September 18, Dr. Brad Hanson, Wildlife Biologist with the NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center, will discuss “Health Assessment and Intervention Efforts with Scarlet (J-50).” This lecture will be held at the Whale Museum at 7 p.m., Tuesday, September 18, as part of The Whale Museum’s Summer Lecture Series.

Much media attention and publicity is occurring around an emaciated and ailing three year-old killer whale (born December 2014), J-50 also known as Scarlet, of the critically endangered Southern Resident population. J-50 appears lethargic at times with periods of activity, including feeding. Scientists observing her agree that she is in poor condition.

Responders from NOAA Fisheries and partner organizations are exploring and attempting intervention (including potentially delivering medical treatment in live Chinook salmon, which has never before been attempted in the wild). Dr. Brad Hanson will discuss J-50’s ongoing health assessment and intervention and give the public an update on current efforts.

The Summer Lecture Series is dedicated to providing our local community and visiting public with knowledge
and wonder of the natural world. The lectures are given by local or visiting experts in their field. Join us as they share their recent research projects, stories, and experiences. Each lecture is free and held at The Whale Museum. Donations are greatly appreciated.

For more information, call (360) 378-4710 ext.30. The Whale Museum is located in Friday Harbor at 62 First St. N. Founded in 1976, The Whale Museum’s mission is to promote stewardship of whales through education and research. The Whale Museum can be found on-line at www.whalemuseum.org.

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